VERMILION, Ohio — Local police are on high alert after a string of suspicious people have approached children.

Since April, one child and two teenagers said they have been approached by a stranger who tried to lure them into a vehicle, said Vermilion Police Chief Christopher Hartung.

“To have three incidents is unusual of this nature,” Hartung said. “So far the suspects don’t match up, but there’s not enough information for me to be able for sure [if they’re connected] one way or another.

The incidents happened on three different days during different times of day in the lakefront Edgewater neighborhood.

“It’s hard to believe, but I’m glad that we know about it because I would never expect anything like that in this neighborhood,” said Oscar Nelson, a Vermilion resident who lives near where one of the cases happened. “It’s kind of scary because people can end up hurt. A lot of kids end up hurt from people like that.

To put parents’ minds at ease, Hartung said Vermilion Police have added extra patrols in the area and are asking everyone to get the word out.

“We’ve been in communication with the schools, to let them know, to make sure bus drivers are aware of what’s going on as well,” Hartung said. “Bus drivers are a very good asset because they’re used to seeing what goes on in the area. What cars are normally there waiting at the bus stops with the children.”

Above all, Hartung said parents and children need to be aware of their surroundings. Those extra details could help police find the suspect.

“The most important thing for a parent to do is to have these discussions with their children and things they should look out for,” he said. “License plates are critical, if they can get license plates, that makes everything easier.”

“Any physical descriptions of a stranger that approaches them, as detailed as possible,” he added. “What color was their hair? How much of their hair did they have left? Did they have a hat? Anything distinguishing about a vehicle. Was there any rust? Dents? Scars, marks and tattoos on the individual driving? Did they have an accent? Things of that nature will really help us to follow up on these incidents.”

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